1. Hejna PJaník M, Urbanová P. Agenesis of the superior cornua of the thyroid cartilage: a rare variant of medicolegal importance. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2015; 36:10-12 (IF 0.883).

Janík M, Straka L, Hejna PSequential rupture of ventricular septum and cardiac apex. Acta Cardiol. 2015; 70:369-370. (IF 0.65).

3. Ďatko M, Vojtíšek T, Hejna P. A fatal lion attack. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2015; 1:300-302 (IF 1.957).

4. Zátopková L, Hejna P, Janík M. Hemolytic staining of the endocardium of the left heart chambers: a new sign for autopsy diagnosis of freshwater drowning. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2015; 11:65-68. (IF 1.957).

5. Janík M, Straka L, Novomeský F, Hejna PSphacelus of the liver: an unexpected finding at autopsy. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2015; 11:314-316 (IF 1.957).

6. Urbanová P, Hejna P, Jurda M. Three-dimensional optical surface documentation in forensic pathology. Forensic Sci Int. 2015; 250:77-86 (IF 2.115).

7.  Janík M, Straka L, Hejna PSurgically created excision of the back mimicking homicide: report of an unusual case. Arch Med Sadowej Kryminol. 2015; 65:47-54.

8. Janík M, Hejna P. Renal cell carcinoma pulmonary embolism: a rare cause of sudden death. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2015; 11:468–471(IF 1.983).

9. Hejna P, Janík M, Urbanová P. Tethered digital photography with built-in Wi-Fi memory cards bring benefits to the environment of an autopsy room. Rom J Leg Med. 2015; 23:293-295 (IF 0.233).

10. Lundová T, Zemanová L, Malčeková B, Skarka A, Štambergová H, Havránková J, Šafr M, Wsól V. Molecular and biochemical characterisation of human short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase member 3 (DHRS3). Chem Biol Interact. 2015; 234:178-187 (IF 2.982).